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Your Planets 2025 , Yearly Horoscope.

Writer: Shantaram kShantaram k

01. ARIES - MESH, The Action-oriented impulsive Ram/Goat.

Jupiter lord 9th for luck transit Taurus 2nd good for family-finances, prospects of marriage-childbirth, successful interviews and job prospects. Donate every month 1.25kg Yellow Chanadal-lentils at Amba/Renuka Mata temple on a friday evening after sunset.

Saturn Lord 10th for career transit own badhaka-inimical Acquarius till end March, gains from technology, innovation, reforms, the mystic/ocut, old friends, old people-sr citizens but under stress-delays, prone to sciatica of lower legs, arms, shoulders, ear pain to care.

Saturn debilated aspect over Sun/Moon-Aries, impacting health and general-well-being, and health of parents-children-status-property matters; aspect Leo 5th opposite impacting luck-education-romance-children-social status-heart-stomach to care, and aspect Scorpio 8th prone to chronic urological issues. Observe fast on Saturday evenings. 

April 025 Saturn moves to 12th Pisces for foreign lands for next 2.5yrs with career challenges, while health and expenses/finances may be restricted; start of 7.5yrs Saturn Sadesathi period under emotional stress.

Rahu NNode Pisces 12th till Mid-May 025 tending towards foreign lands, while next moves to badhaka-inimical Acquarius 11th with gains from foreigners under stress-delays and prone to toxic health issues sciatica etc. Perform japa/mantra for Rahu with the help of a Pundit to enhance smooth gains and overcome the stresses.

Ketu SNode Virgo 6th till Mid-May 025 disruption from employment coping with competition/opponents and prone to pain-injury-surgery intestinal-hip joints etc. Avoid being critical. Daily prayers to Ganesha seeking protection. Donate every month 1.25kg White Til-sesame seeds to Ganesha at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset.

Ketu then moves to fiery Leo 5th for 1.5yr, disrupting luck-education-romance-children-status, and prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach, to care. Daily light til-oil lamp for Ganesha seeking protection reciting Ganesha Stotra; donate every month 1.25kg White Til to Ganesha at Shiva temple. Perform havan-fire worship for Ketu on a Sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Rahu 11th gives, Ketu 5th takes away. Saturn too under stress. Jupiter Taurus 2nd turns direct come Feb to mid-May good for family-finances-job interviews and Advisory Roles-teaching-classical singing-banking-hotel management-dentistry-nutrition to take advantage.

Jupiter then for a year moves to Gemini 3rd good for counselling roles and financial analytics, classical instrumental music, aspecting own Sagittarius 9th for luck and higher education and Advisory/Consultancy-university roles. Recite Guru Stotra loudly daily morning. 

Visit Ganesha temple seeking blessings every tuesday morning, the lead devatha for Aries Ascendant.


02. TAURUS - VRISHABH, Energetic, Creative, Stubborn Bull, Love of food and comforts.

Saturn Lord 9th capricorn badhaka-inimical for Taurus Ascendant, transit own Acquarius 10th for career, growth-riches through technology-innovation-reforms-mass leadership-public sector but under stress-delays, and prone to sciatica of lower legs and knee joints, and prone to fall in career being the last phase of the transit till end March, to be careful with job performance and boss relationships. Aspects enemy sign Leo 4th impacting Mother-property matters. And aspects scorpio 7th impacting profession and spouse and marriage prospects. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily. May perform japa/mantra for Saturn with the help of a pundit.

Saturn come April moves to Pisces 11th for 2.5yrs, gains from technology, old friends, old people under stress-delays, and prone to health issues of arms-shoulders-ears-feet. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Uraddal-lentils at Guru temple/say Saibaba on a Thursday evening after sunset.

Saturn Aspects Sun-Moon Taurus first impacting overall health and well-being especially throat-thyroid-dentals-lungs and parents and property matters. Aspects virgo 5th impacting luck-education-children-status, and aspects Sagittarius 8th for chronic health issues urological-thighs etc. May observe fast on Saturday evenings.

Rahu NNode transit Pisces 11th till Mid-May 025 gains from foreigners, while prone to toxic health issues arms-shoulders-ears-feet. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustard Seed at Saibaba/Guru temple on a Thursday evening after sunset. 

Rahu next Moves to Acquarius 10th for 1.5yr for Career tending to foreign assignments with scope for innovation and reform. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily to avoid any stresses, sciatica of lower legs and knees.

Ketu SNode transit Virgo 5th till Mid-May 025 impacting luck-education-status and prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-hips. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustard Seeds at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset. Rahu gives, ketu tends to take away to be aware. 

Ketu Mid-May moves to Leo 4th for 1.5yr impacting parents-property matters, heart-stomach pain-injury-surgery, and tending to move away from Motherland. Daily light til-sesame oil diya for Ganesha and recite Ganesha Stotra seeking protection. Perform havan-fire worship for Ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Jupiter lord 8th for challenges as well as lord 11th for gains over Taurus Ascendant turning direct Feb to mid-May 025 good for Advisory/Consulancy roles in banking, hotel management, nutrition, classical singing; while may have to take care of throat-thyroid-dentals. Donate every month 1.25kg Yellow Chanadal on a friday evening at Amba/Renuka Mata temple after sunset.

Jupiter mid-May moves to Gemini 2nd for a year good for financial advisory-banking-classical instrumental music, aspects own sagittarius 8th protective of health; and trines own Pisces 11th for gains from leadership roles. Recite Guru Stotra loudly daily morning.

Visit Ambaji/Renuka Mata temple and seek blessings every friday evening after sunset, the lead devatha for Taurus Ascendant.


03. GEMINI - MITHUN, The Analytical, Paralysis by Analysis, Aptitude for Information Processing, 

Jupiter lord 7th badhaka-inimical Sagittarius, enters Gemini ascendant with Sun/Moon mid-May good for financial analytics and advisory roles and classical instrumental music, but needs health care liver-chest-lungs-heart-stomach etc. Recite loudly Guru Stotra daily morning. Aspects own badhaka sagittarius 7th for marriage and profession under stress-delays.

Saturn transit own Acquarius 9th till end March 025 for gradual slow growth through technology-innovation-reforms and tending to distant lands.

Saturn come April Moves to Pisces 10th coming 2.5yrs prone to rise-fall in career to watch especially the last 6months of the transit, while prone to health issues of knees-feet, aspects virgo 4th impacting Mother and property matters and also sagittarius 7th for profession and marriage under stress. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Uraddal-lentils at Guru/Saibaba temple on a Thursday evening. 

Rahu NNode transit Pisces 10th till mid-May 025 tending to foreign assignments. Donate 1.25kg Black Mustardseed at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset.

Rahu Moves to Acquarius 9th then for 1.5yr tending to foreign travels and seeking pilgrimage to a holy place. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly

Ketu SNode transit Virgo 4th till mid-May 025, detachment from Mother-Motherland and property matters, prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-lungs-hips etc to care. Donate every month 1.25kg White Til -sesame seeds at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset.

Ketu then moves to Leo 3rd for 1.5yr, accident prone, impacting heart-stomach-arms-shoulders-ears, detachment from siblings-cousins and seeking change of environment. Daily light til-sesame oil diya-lamp for Ganesha in the morning, recite Ganesha Stotra, perform havan-fire worship for ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit. 

Visit Vishnu temple every Wednesday morning seeking blessings, the lead devatha for Gemini ascendant. Recite loudly 108 times every morning, OM NAMO BHAGAWATHE VASUDEVAYA. 

04. CANCER - KARK, Sensitive, emotional, possessive.

9th lord Jupiter for luck over badhaka-inimical Taurus 11th for Cancer Ascendant, turning direct come Feb till mid-May for gains from leadership roles in banking, hotel management, nutrition under stress-delays with extra efforts being also lord 6th for challenges, prone to liver-sugar issues. Donate every month 1.25kg yellow chanadal-lentils on a friday evening after sunset at Ambaji/Renuka Mata temple.

Mid-May 025 Jupiter moves to Gemini 12th for foreign lands and financial analytics and classical instrumental music and advisory aptitudes, aspects own Sagittarius 6th supportive of employment prospects. Recite loudly Guru Stotra daily morning.

Saturn till end March 025 transit own Acquarius 8th for success in adversity through technology-innovation-research, prone to chronic health issues sciatica of lower legs, urological etc. Saturn aspects enemy sign Leo 2nd for family-finances. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily morning. May perform japa/mantra for Saturn with the help of a pundit.

Come April saturn moves to Pisces 9th for 2.5yrs with slow-down in luck-education seeking gradual change to distant lands, care for health feet-thighs etc. Donate every month Black Uraddal-lentils at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset.

Rahu NNode transit Pisces 9th till mid-May 025 for foreign travels while seeking pilgrimage to holy place; prone to health issues feet-thighs etc. trine aspect Sun/Moon Cancer ascendant prone to depression and toxic health issues heart-stomach-lungs etc. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustardseed at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset.

Mid-May Rahu moves to Acquarius 8th for 1.5yr for chronic health issues like sciatica of lower legs and urological issues and tending to foreign travel. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly. May perform japa/mantra for Rahu with the help of a pundit. 

Ketu SNode transit Virgo 3rd with high critical thinking, good for auditing-editing-quality control roles; while disruptive of sibling relationships-detachment from cousins and colleagues, seeking change in environment; prone to pain-injury-surgery arms-shoulders-ears-hips. Donate every month 1.25kg White Til-sesame seeds at Durga temple on a wed evening after sunset.

Ketu mid-May 025 moves to Leo 2nd for 1.5yr disruptive of family-finances and prone to pain-injury-surgery throat-thyroid-dentals-heart-stomach to care. Daily light til-sesame oil lamp for Ganesha and recite Ganesha Stotra seeking protection; May perform havan-fireworship for Ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Visit Shiva temple every Monday evening after sunset and seek blessings of Mata Parvathy there, the prime devatha for Cancer Ascendant, offer white flowers. Daily prayers at home. JAI MAA PARVATHY!

05. LEO - SIMHA, The Individualist, Pride, Intelligent, 

Saturn now transit own Acquarius 7th opp Sun/Moon till end March for growth under stress through technology-innovation-reform-mass leadership-public sector,

Saturn Acquarius making negative aspects over Ascendant Leo impacting health-heart-stomach-head-brain-lungs etc, aspect badhaka-inimical aries 9th impactig luck-education-travels-father-thighs-head-brain, and aspecting scorpio 4th impacting domestic peace and comforts and mother, property matters, urological health-heart-lungs; Recite loudly Hanuman Chalisa. 

Come April 025 saturn moves to Pisces, 8th from Moon too for 2.5yrs for chronic health issues urological-feet etc to care, donate every month 1.25kg Black Uraddal-lentils at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset.

Saturn aspects critical virgo 2nd impacting family-finances-speech/interviews. Aspects taurus 10th impacting career. And aspecting sagittarius 5th impacting luck-education-status-romance-children-heart-stomach-thighs etc. Observe fast on Saturday evenings.

Jupiter lord 5th for luck now transit Taurus 10th turning direct come Feb to mid-May for leadership development especially in banking, hotel management, nutrition sectors. Donate every month 1.25kg yellow chanadal-lentils at Ambaji/Renuka temple on a friday evening after sunset. 

Mid-May Jupiter for a year moves to Gemini 11th for gains from advisory roles in financial analytics, classical instrumental music, aspecting own Sagittarius 5th supportive of luck-education-children-status/promotion. Recite Guru Stotra loudly every morning to enhance gains, including gains on shares of educational institutions and consultancy firms.

Ketu now till Mid-May 025 transit critical Virgo 2nd impacting family-finances-speech and prone to pain-injury-surgery throat-thyroid-dentals-hips to care. Donate every month 1.25kg White Til-sesame seeds at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset.

Ketu Mid-May for 1.5yr moves to Leo ascendant with Sun-Moon prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-head-brain-lungs to care. Light til-sesame oil diya-lamp for Ganesha daily morning reciting Ganesha Stotra; May perform havan-fre worship for Ketu with the help of a pundit on a sunday morning.

Rahu now transit sensitive Pisces 8th from Moon too, prone to chronic health issues urological-feet-depression etc, Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustardseed at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset. 

Rahu Mid-May moves for 1.5yr to Acquarius 7th opp Sun/Moon under stress, prone to toxic relationships and health issues abdominal-sciatica of lower legs etc, Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily morning. May perform japa/mantra for Rahu with the help of a pundit.

Visit Shivalaya-temple every Sunday Morning and seek blessings, daily prayers-arathy at home in the morning. Recite Shivastotra.


06. VIRGO - KANYA, The Meticulous, Critical Thinking, Auditor, Quality Management,     

Ketu SNode now transit Virgo ascendant with Sun/Moon till Mid-May 025 with high critical thinking, good for auditing-editing-quality control, while prone to pain-injury-surgery hips-head-brain-heart-stomach-lungs. Detachment from income-profits-friendships-relationships-parents to care. Donate every month 1.25kg White til-sesame seeds at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset, the prime devatha for Virgo. Visit Durga temple every Wednesday evening and seek blessings. JAI MAA DURGE!

Ketu mid-May moves to Leo 12th for 1.5yr tending to foreign lands, hospitalisation, isolation, pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-feet. Daily light Sesame-Til oil diya-lamp for Ganesha and recite Ganesha Stotra. Donate every month White Til-sesame seeds to Ganesha at Shiva temple on a sunday morning. May perform homa-fire worship for Ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Rahu NNode till mid-May transit badhaka-inimical Pisces 7th for Virgo ascendant opp Sun/Moon, tending to foreign relationship and foreign travel under stress-delays. Every month donate 1.25kg Black Mustard seed at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset. 

Rahu then for 1.5yr transit Acquarius 6th tending to innovative foreign assignments, while prone to toxic health issues sciatica of lower legs and intestinal issues. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily morning. 

Saturn now transit own Acquarius 6th till end March 025 seeking innovative mechanical-technical assignments;

Saturn Acquarius debilated aspect over Aries 8th for chronic health issues head-brain-urological, aspect Leo 12th for health heart-stomach-feet and hospitalisation; aspect scorpio 3rd impacting sibling relationships and urological health etc. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily morning, observe fast on Saturday evenings. 

Come April for 2.5yrs Saturn moves to badhaka-inimical pisces 7th opp Sun/Moon, impacting health-profession-marriage under stress-delays. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Uraddal-lentils at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset. Observe fast on Saturday evenings. 

7th lord badhaka-inimical jupiter till mid-May 025 transit Taurus 9th impacting luck-higher education-father-distant travels and advisory roles under stress-delays. Donate once a month Yellow Chanadal at Ambaji-Renuka temple on a friday evening after sunset. 

Badhaka Jupiter then for one year moves to Gemini 10th for analytical leadership roles under stress-delays. Aspects own sagittarius 4th supportive of mother, domestic comforts and property matters. Recite Guru Stotra regularly in the morning.

07. LIBRA - TULA, Public Relations, Law-justice, Wavering Mind, 

Saturn transit own Acquarius 5th for technology, innovation, reform, till end March 025. Saturn as significator for 6th house for employment negates employment prospects till then, while good for taking up technical consultancy and training assignments with consultancy firms on consultancy basis.

Any job change now would amount to series of job changes if not satisfied and difficult to find another job till March 025. May change later. Saturn transit 5th good for quick recovery from sickness.

Saturn 5th debilated aspect over Aries 7th impacting profession, spouse. Aspect badhaka-inimial Leo 11th impacting income-friendships and health heart-stomach-arms-shouders-ears etc. Aspect scorpio 2nd impacting family-finances-throat-thyroid-dentals-urology; Observe fast on Saturday evenings.

Come April Saturn moves to 6th Pisces good for employment prospects coming 2.5yrs.

Similarly saturn aspects taurus 8th for chronic health issues urological, dental etc, aspects virgo 12th for heath and hospitalisation impacting intestinal-hips-feet etc and expenses. And aspects sagittarius 3rd impacting sibling relations, initiative, and communications. Observe fast on saturday evenings.

Jupiter transits Taurus 8th from Sun/Moon, turning direct feb-mid May 025, aspecting scorpio 2nd supportive of family-finances-research-occult-interveiws; debilated aspect capricorn 4th impacting mother, domestic comforts, housing, property matters etc;

Retrograde Saturn till end Jan trine aspect own sagittarius 3rd good for communications and interviews, and trine Leo 11th supportive of income-gains-friendships. Jupiter taurus 8th prone to chronic liver-sugar-dental issues to care. Donate every month 1.25kg Yellow Chanadal-lentils at Ambaji/Renuka temple on a friday evening after sunset. 

Later for a year Jupiter transits Gemini 9th for analytics and advisory roles, aspect own sagittarius 3rd for communications, visa, etc Recite loudly Guru Stotra to enhance luck-education etc. Jupiter lord 6th calling for extra efforts under challenges.

Rahu NNode now transit pisces 6th till mid-May for foreign employment prospects while care from toxic health issues intestinal-feet etc. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustard Seed at Guru/Saibaba temple on a thursday evening.

Next Rahu moves to Acquarius 5th for progress with commercial breaks via foreign contacts involving innovation and reform while prone to sciatica of lower legs, and heart-stomach gastric issues. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly daily morning. 

Ketu SNode till Mid-May transit virgo 12th for foreign lands, isolation, hospitalisation, prone to pain-injury-surgery hips-feet etc. Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustard Seed at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset.

Mid-May ketu moves to badhaka-inimical Leo 11th for 1.5yr impacting income-gains-profits-friendships under stress-delays, prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-arms-shoulders-ears to care. Daily light til-sesame oil lamp for Ganesha and recite Ganesha Stotra. Every month donate 1.25kg White til-sesame seeds to Ganesha at Shiva temple. Perform havan-fire worship for Ketu on a Sunday Morning.  

Lord Rama the prime devatha for Libra Ascendant, Visit Ram Mandir on friday evenings just before sunset, daily prayers at home. Recite TATWA NIRANJANAYA TARAKA RAMAYA NAMAHA.  

08. SCORPIO - VRISCHIK, Research-Occult Aptitudes, Secretive-Suspicious-Sarcastic-Sentimental-Passionate,

Jupiter lord 2nd for finances-family-interviews now transit creative Taurus 7th for profession-marriage-speech, support from spouse, leadership-advisory roles in banking, hotel management, nutrition etc, jupiter turning direct Feb-mid-May 025 to manifest.  

Mid-May jupiter moves to Gemini 8th, for analytical research, classical instrumental music, aspecting own sagittarius 2nd opposite supportive of finances-interviews, may be prone to chronic liver-sugar issues; Daily recite Guru Stotra loudly in the morning.  

Saturn till end March 025 transit own Acquarius 4th from Moon under marginal stress, for growth-riches through technology, innovation, reform, legal studies, real estate;

Saturn Acquarius negative aspects over aries 6th for health and employment, aspects Leo 10th for career, and scorpio first for overall health and well-being under stress. Observe fast on Saturday evenings.

Come April 025 Saturn moves to Pisces 5th for 2.5yrs restricting luck-education-romance-children-status; prone to health issues of heart-stomach-feet; Donate every month 1.25kg Black Uraddal-lentils on a thursday evening at Saibaba/Guru temple.  

Saturn 5th not conducive for change in employment as negates 6th house as significator of employment. Change job before end March 025 if need be. Or else will be keeping changing jobs all the while. Can however take up technical consultancy or trainer's roles otherwise with a consultancy firm.

Rahu NNode till mid-May transit Pisces 5th tending to foreign assignments and foreign relationships/contacts, slow progress with commercial breaks and prone to toxic health issues heart-stomach-feet.

Then Rahu moves to Acquarius 4th tending to foreign lands while prone to toxic health issues heart-lungs-sciatica of lower legs. Recite Hanuman Chalisa. May perform japa/mantra for Rahu with the help of a pundit.

Ketu SNode now transit Virgo 11th till mid-May 025 tending to break in income-friendships, prone to pain-injury-surgery hip joints-arms-shoulders-ears. Daily prayers to Ganesha, recite Stotram; Donate every month 1.25kg white til on a Wednesday evening after sunset at Durga temple.

Ketu next for 1.5yr transits Leo 10th disrupting career inclined to job change, prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-knees etc. Daily light til-sesame oil diya for Ganesha in the morning; donate every month 1.25kg white til-sesame seeds to Ganesha at Shiva temple on a Sunday morning. May perform havan-fire worship for ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Maata Kaali the prime devatha for Scorpio, daily prayers, visit Kaali temple on tuesday evenings after sunset and offer red flowers seeking blessings. JAI MATA KAALI!  

09. SAGGITTARIUS - DHANU, Philosophical, Optimistic, Traveller, 

Ascendant Lord Jupiter now transit Taurus 6th turning direct come Feb 025 good for banking jobs, hotel management, nutrition, dentistry, learning and development, while prone to liver-sugar-dental issues. Donate every month 1.25kg Yellow Chanadal-lentils at Ambaji temple on a friday evening after sunset. Daily light cow ghee diya-lamp for Guru/say Saibaba in the morning seeking blessings.

Guru the prime devatha for Sagittarius, visit Guru temple on thursday evenings and offer yellow flowers seeking blessings.


Mid-May 025 Ascendant Lord Jupiter for a year moves to badhaka-inimical Gemini 7th profession and marriage matters under stress-delays, inclined to advisory roles financial analytics etc and aptitude for classical instrumental music. Prone to sugar-liver issues. Recite loudly Guru Stotra daily morning.  

Saturn now till end March transit own Acquarius 3rd good for technical innovation, legal reforms etc, while aspects enemy sign Leo 9th impacting luck, education, father, travels. Also makes debilated aspect over Aries 5th for luck-education-children-status, and scorpio 12th for health-foreign lands etc. Observe fast on Saturday evenings. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly.

Come April 025 saturn for 2.5yrs moves to sensitive Pisces 4th from Sun/Moon under stress impacting parents, property matters, moving place, etc and prone to heath issues heart-lungs-feet etc. Aspects Sagittarius Ascendant impacting overall health and well-being. Donate every month Yellow Chanadal at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset. 

Ketu SNode till Mid-May 025 moves over critical Virgo 10th seeking career-job change and prone to pain-injury-surgery knees-hips etc. Donate every month 1.25kg white til to Ganesha at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset. Daily recite Ganesha Stotra.

Next Ketu moves to Leo 9th for 1.5yr, tending to distant lands/travels, detachment from luck, father, pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-thighs; daily light til oil diya for Ganesha and recite Ganesha Stotra; every month donate 1.25kg White Til to Ganesha at Shiva temple on a sunday morning. Perform havan-fire worship for Ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Rahu NNode now till mid-May 025 transit sensitive pisces 4th tending to foreign lands, and impacting heart-lungs-feet with toxic issues, Mother's health, property matters; Donate every month 1.25kg Black Mustard Seed at Guru temple on a thursday evening. 

Next, Rahu moves to Acquarius 3rd for 1.5yr good for initiative, short-distance foreign travel, while sibling relationships could be under stress; prone to sciatica of lower legs. Avoid excessive risk taking. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly. 

10. CAPRICORN - MAKAR, Ambitious, Hardworking, Plodding to reach the top, 

Ascendant Lord Saturn till end March 025 transit own Acquarius 2nd for technology, innovation, reform tending to move to distant places for career with above average earnings.

Then for 2.5yrs moves to sensitive Pisces 3rd good for initiative, technology, while sibling relationships could be under stress, and restricts 9th virgo for luck-education-father-travels. Aspects taurus 6th for health and employment impacting throat-thyroid-dentals.

Rahu NNode till mid-March 025 over Pisces 3rd good for initiative and progress, short-distance foreign travels, while avoid excessive risk taking. 

Next, Rahu for 1.5yr moves to Acquarius 2nd for earnings through foreign countries, innovation, sudden changes. May recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly.

Ketu SNode till mid-May 025over Virgo 9th for distant lands and travels, detachment from luck, father, pain-injury-surgery hips-thighs etc. Daily recite Ganesha Stotra, donate every month 1.25kg White Til-sesame seeds to Ganesha at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset.

Ketu next moves to Leo 8th for 1.5yr, prone to chronic pain-injury-surgery-accident heart-stomach-urological etc, sudden changes; Daily light til-sesame oil diya-lamp for Ganesha and recite Ganesha Stotra; Donate once a month 1.25kg White-til/sesame seeds to Ganesha at Shivalaya on a Sunday morning. Perform havan-fire worship for Ketu on a Sunday Morning with the help of a pundit.

Jupiter now transit creative Taurus 5th turning direct Feb-May for advisory roles, promotion, good for banking, hotel management, nutrition sectors. Jupiter akaraka/malefic for Capricorn ascendant as lord 3/12 for challenges, Donate every month 1.25kg Yellow Chanadal-lentils at Amba temple on a friday evening after sunset.

Mid-May Jupiter moves to Gemini 6th for health and employment prospects into financial analytics, classical instrumental music, etc; Aspects own Sagittarius 12th for foreign lands; trine aspect Libra 10th for career; May take care of liver-sugar issues. Recite Guru Stotra loudly daily morning. 

Mata Kaali the prime-lead devatha for Capricorn Ascendant; Visit Kaali temple on Saturday evenings and seek blessings. 


11. ACQUARIUS - KUMBH, Innovation, technology, reform, law n justice, mystic, uncertain

Saturn transit own Acquarius Ascendant over Sun/Moon til March 025, under raja-yoga, growth-riches under marginal stress through technology-innovation-reform, mass leadership, public sector, Saturn Lord 12th tending to foreign lands too and health issues sciatica of lower legs etc. Saturn aspects enemy sign Leo 7th impacting profession and marriage matters and abdominal health-heart-stomach etc. Aspects enemy sign scorpio 10th career under stress. Observe fast on Saturday evenings.

Come April Saturn moves to Pisces 2nd for 2.5yrs tending to distant lands. Family-finances-throat-thyroid-dentals under stress under last phase 7.5yr Sadesathi period. Donate 1.25kg Black Uraddal-lentils at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset. 

Rahu NNode till mid-May 025 over sensitive Pisces 2nd with scope for earnings through foreign sources, good for learning foreign languages, prone to toxic throat-thyroid-dental issues. 

Rahu next moves to Acquarius Ascendant and Moon for 1.5yr tending to foreign lands and innovative assignments prone to stress and depression though. Recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly. 

Ketu SNode till mid-May transit Virgo 8th high critical thinking good for audit-quality control roles and research, while prone to pain-injury-surgery and accidents hips-urological etc. Daily prayers to Ganesha, recite Stotra, donate every month 1.25kg White Tl sesame seeds to Ganesha at Durga temple on a Wednesday evening after sunset;

Ketu then for 1.5yr transits Leo 7th impacting profession-business-marriage-relationships and prone to pain-injury-surgery abdominal-heart-stomach. Daily morning light til-sesame oil diya-lamp for Ganesha, donate every month 1.25kg white til seeds to Ganesha at Shivalaya temple on a Sunday Morning. Perform havan for ketu on a sunday morning with the help of a pundit.

Jupiter lord 2/11 for family-finances and gains now transit creative Taurus 4th turning direct Feb-May 025 good for advisory roles in banking-hotel management-nutrition, gains from mother-real estate; donate every month 1.25kg yellow chanadal-lentils at Ambaji temple on a friday evening after sunset.

Mid-May 025 Jupiter for a year moves to Gemini 5th good for advisory roles in financial analytics, aspects own sagittarius 11th for gains from educational institutions and consultancy firms and their shares; Recite Guru Stotra daily morning. 

Lord Shiva the lead devatha for Acquarius Ascendant, daily recite loudly Shiva Stotra, visit Shivalaya temple on Saturday mornings and seek blessings. OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA!


Rahu NNode now transit Sun/Moon Pisces Ascendant till mid-May 025, hyper-sensitive, prone to depression, tending to foreign travels, prone to toxic health issues head-brain-feet-lungs; Donate every month 1.25kg White Til to Ganesha at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset. 

Then Rahu for 1.5yr moves to Acquarius 12th for foreign lands seeking innovation, reform, and prone to toxic health issues sciatica of lower legs and feet. May recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly. 

Ascendant Lord Jupiter turning direct come feb-mid May 025, transit Taurus 3rd for creative communications, advisory roles in banking-hotel management, nutrition, classical singing; jupiter lord 10th for career, good for interviews. Donate every month 1.25kg Yellow Chanadal at Ambaji temple on a friday evening after sunset.

Jupiter moves to Gemini 4th aspecting own Sagittarius 10th for career good for advisory/consutancy roles in financial analytics etc. Recite Guru Stotra loudly daily morning. 

Saturn now till March end transit own Acquarius 12th for gains from foreign lands, technology, innovation, reform, restriction in expenses, prone to sciatica of lower legs and feet; recite Hanuman Chalisa loudly. Saturn debilated aspect over aries 2nd for family-finances; enemy aspect over Leo 6th for health and employment; enemy aspect over scorpio 9th for luck-education-father-travels. Observe fast on Saturday evenings. 

Saturn then moves to Sun/Moon Pisces Ascendant for 2.5yrs impacting general health of self and parents, and prone to emotional stress, aspecting 10th Sagittarius impacting career. Donate 1.25kg Black Uraddal at Guru temple on a thursday evening after sunset.

Jupiter lead devatha for Pisces ascendant, daily recite Guru Stotra, visit Guru temple every thursday evening and seek blessings offering yellow flowers/garland.

Ketu SNode now transit badhaka-inimical Virgo 7th till mid-May 025 impacting-disrupting profession-business-spouse/relationships, prone to pain-injury-surgery abdominals-hips. Daily prayers to Ganesha, recite Stotra; every month donate 1.25kg White Til to Ganesha at Durga temple. 

Ketu then moves for 1.5yr to Leo 6th disrupting job, coping with opponents and competition, prone to pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach etc; Daily light til-sesame oil diya-lamp in the morning, donate every month 1.25kg white til-sesame seeds to Ganesha at Shivalaya on a sunday morning. Perform havan-fire worship for Ketu with the help of a pundit.




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